Claire Asherson Bartram


Psychotherapy Supervision and Groups

Saturday Group (Monthly) - Surfing the Sea of Life

This group runs for a whole day, 12 days a year, roughly one month apart. It is ongoing with an initial commitment of five groups. It takes place in Highgate from 10.00 - 5.30 pm, with the possibility for some members to attend online. Each day can be counted as six hours CPD.

This group has been meeting regularly for over 20 years, with a slowly changing membership. We are a learning community with a commitment to self-discovery and personal development. The group provides the opportunity to become aware of how you relate with others and with yourself, consider family and personal issues, explore options and gain useful support. The format of a day once a month, provides continuity with space for life between groups. .

New members can join at any time for a minimum of five groups.

Cost: fees are £ 90 per group payable one month in advance

2025 4th January, 1st February, 1st March, 5th April, 3rd May, 7th June, 5th July, 2nd August, 13th September, 11th October, 8th November, 13th December

Free consultation: If you are interested then the next step is to get in touch and I will arrange to meet you for a half hour free consultation, in person or online.

Tuesday Group (Fortnightly)

This group runs fortnightly for two hours from 6.0 - 8.0 pm and includes three full days over a year (10am-5pm on a weekend). It is suitable for people with or without previous group experience.

New members can join at any time for a minimum of six groups.

Cost: The cost is £ 270 for 6 groups, followed by £ 45 a session which includes the days, paid monthly.

If you are interested then get in touch to arrange a half hour free consultation.

Wednesday Group (Fortnightly)

This fortnightly group is co-facilitated by myself and Angelika Wienrich. It runs for two hours from 6.30 - 8.30 pm and includes three full days over a year (10am-6pm on a weekend). It is suitable for anyone wishing to work on personal development in a group context, and for for people with or without previous group experience.

New members can join at any time for a minimum of six groups.

Cost: The cost is £ 360 for 6 groups, followed by £ 60 a session which includes the days, paid monthly.

If you are interested then we will arrange to meet you for a half hour free consultation.


On request I offer workshops on Gestalt group process, Stepfamily issues or Qualitative Research.

Getting in Touch: for more information about groups and workshops contact me by email ( or leave a message on 020 8361 6146.


0044 (0)20 8361 6146

email Claire Asherson Bartram